
If you think someone is in imminent danger or injured, then you must contact the emergency services immediately. You must also tell our National Safeguarding Officer.


If you have a concern that a child or an adult may be suffering from some form of abuse:

  • Keep calm and choose a quiet moment.
  • Ask if they are OK or if everything is alright. It is quite likely that they will say it is, even if it is not.
  • Tell them that if they are worried about anything they should tell someone they trust such as their parent, grandparent, club welfare officer, coach, teacher or doctor.
  • Do not ask leading questions or try and push them into saying anything.
  • Make a note of your concerns, what you said to the child or adult and what they said.
  • Do not approach a person suspected of causing harm.
  • If your concern is about an adult then it may be appropriate to discuss getting external advice or help with them.  A list of support agencies is given in Adult Safeguarding – Supporting Information

Further information:

Croquet England’s Child Safeguarding – Responding, Recording and Reporting procedures.

Croquet England’s Adult Safeguarding – Responding, Recording and Reporting procedures.


For further tips can be found at Responding to a Child’s Disclosure of Abuse | NSPCC Learning – YouTube and How to Act to Safeguard Adults at Risk of Abuse

It is not your responsibility to decide whether abuse has taken place, but it is your responsibility to act on your concerns.