England has another World Champion
Congratulations to Debbie Lines for winning the Women’s AC World Championship at the weekend beating Gabrielle Higgins in the final.
In a tense, interactive final Debbie prevailed +23, -3t, +11t
Debbie had won 8/9 in her block before beating Bonnie Johnstone, Miranda Chapman and Jenny Clarke (all NZ) all in straight games to reach the final.
Gabrielle had won 9/9 in her block before beating Shirley Howlett, Heather Knight and Alison Sharpe (all AUS) dropping a game to Alison on the way.
The other British players had fluctuating fortunes, Beatrice McGlen lost in the last 16 to Miranda Chapman before losing in the semi final of the bowl to Kerri-Ann Organ (Aus).
Erica Malaiperuman had 5 wins in her block getting her into a playoff with Jane Morrison (Ire) and Lorna Dewar (Sco) but was unsuccesful in the playoff. Erica went 2/4 in her plate block which didn’t qualify her for the knockout. She did however, qualify in the consolation prize group and went on to win the consolation event.
Jane Morrison (Ire) was also unsuccessful in the playoff and like Erica went 2/4 in the plate block and failed to qualify for the knockout
Lorna Dewar (Sco) having come through the playoff reached the quarter fianls before losing to Jenny Clarke. Lorna then lost to Miranda Chapman in the semifinal of the Shield.
Sophie McGlen got 4 wins in her block which wasn’t one short of getting a playoff, she then won all her games in her plate block but lost in the first round of the plate knockout.
Rosemary Saunders-Robertson (Sco) had three wins in her block which wasn’t enough to qualify, didn’t qualify for the plate knockout and lost in the semifinal of the consolation prize group.
Clair Whyms (Ire) found it tough going but kept plugging away and will only get stronger from the experience.
Our thanks to all the volunteers who ran the event smoothly and organised the live streaming for the knock out stages.